Archive for October, 2012

I choose all my clothes for performance with great care.  It doesn’t, however, mean that I spend a lot of money.  In fact, most of the clothes in my closet that I love best are from consignment shops or were purchased for $4.99 at Value Village.  For Pierrot, I chose black and white (obviously) but since I didn’t want to look like I was wearing a costume, I thought stripes were a better choice than polka-dots. The flowing top worked well over leggings making the whole effect sit perfectly between masculine and feminine.  Add a few dashes of silver as an homage to the moon, and I thought I did pretty well.  Especially for a total of about $25!

October 15th is the 100th birthday of the premiere of Schoenberg’s masterpiece, Pierrot Lunaire.  Lucky me, I had my first crack at performing it last night and will get another chance tonight.  It has been a fascinating journey to learn this strange and wonderful music.  There have been many days of utter bewilderment, endless hours with a metronome, and tears.  Quite a few tears with head-bashing on the piano keys.  But it has all been worth it.  It has been such a joy to work with the crème de la crème of Vancouver:  Corey Hamm (piano), Mark McGregor (flute), Cris Inguanti (clarinet), David Gillham (violin), Marcus Takizawa (viola), Ariel Barnes (cello) and Marguerite Witvoet (conductor).  Seriously, it doesn’t get much better than these guys!